How To Be More Creatively Mindful & Solve Problems Faster By Building Your Intuition

How To Be More Creatively Mindful & Solve Problems Faster By Building Your Intuition

Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with thinking.

Particularly logical thinking. That’s the death star of intuition.

Also surprisingly, it has nothing to do with tapping into deep emotions.

Getting stuck there usually stops any action from happening – except over-analysis.

Not surprisingly, it’s counter-intuitive to everything you’ve ever been taught about learning.

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Creative Mindfulness: What Print Are You Creating In Your Life?

Creative Mindfulness: What Print Are You Creating In Your Life?

How often do you play? As an adult probably not enough.

Imagine if you could gift yourself 10 minutes for serious play - the sort where you let any cares drift away - if you can imagine this, then let's do as Marcel Proust says: 

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy. They are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."

With this in mind,  let's take a creative light-hearted look at the 'prints' we leave. Have fun with this activity - it's meant to be fresh, open and inviting.

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How To Think More Creatively With These 7 Steps

How To Think More Creatively With These 7 Steps

Creativity isn't a birthright.

Creativity is inherent in each one of us. Some shut it down early. Some revel in it and keep its curiosity alive.

What about you? Could you enhance your creativity with a few simple tools?

Check out this video and try it for yourself.

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Is 'Feeling' Grateful Enough?

Is 'Feeling' Grateful Enough?

Saw this quote recently: "If a person, for whatever reason, has the opportunity to lead an extraordinary life, he has no right to keep it to himself." Jacques-Yves Cousteau. recently. It stopped me in my tracks. I began asking myself 'Is feeling grateful for all the gifts I've received in this life is enough?' What about you - what does 'being grateful' mean in your life - a journal entry - or something more tangible?

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3 Reasons To Set An Intention

3 Reasons To Set An Intention

Can you imagine leaping out of bed each morning with a raging surging feeling of joy ripping through your body telling you that you're living the most incredible, most amazing, most inspirational life possible?

Nope? Well you're not alone.

Every day millions of people go through the motion of living. And that's it. They go through the motions. Unfortunately, life has a 'get-what-you-give' philosophy and without much giving there aint much getting.

Kick-starting that internal engine of yours can be a little tricky if it's a bit rusty or low in fuel - so let's have a look at 3 simple ways to jump start it.

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Finding Purpose

Finding Purpose

I don't know about you, but finding my ‘purpose in life’ took longer than I expected. I remember being in my teens and early twenties and believing that I had something ‘special’ to do in life. While I wasn’t sure what it was, I had this sense that it was worthwhile – perhaps you had a similar feeling.

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3 Signs That You May Be Living In A Trance

3 Signs That You May Be Living In A Trance

Observation is one of our greatest gifts and can keep us more aware of the small things that can ultimately matter the most. Creative Mindfulness is a way of bringing presence and awareness together.

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