Will Miss Rigidity Please Stand Up

Will Miss Rigidity Please Stand Up

Will Miss Rigidity Please Stand Up

I knew this young woman a while ago. Her name was Rigidity.

In her own way Ms Rigidity was thoughtful, bright and quite alluring in a simple guileless sort of way. She was one of those ‘try hard’ people – it said so on all her school report cards and if her people-pleasing behaviour was anything to go by, she scored in the highest percentile possible.

The problem with ‘Ms Rigidity’ was that while she wanted to live a successful life, she chose to keep herself safe and away from being noticed. Sometimes it was through a little well-timed self-sabotage, at others it was her self-doubt that kept her tuning-in to the ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’ ticker-tape that had been playing a pre-recorded message since the dawn of time.

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3 Reasons To Set An Intention

3 Reasons To Set An Intention

Can you imagine leaping out of bed each morning with a raging surging feeling of joy ripping through your body telling you that you're living the most incredible, most amazing, most inspirational life possible?

Nope? Well you're not alone.

Every day millions of people go through the motion of living. And that's it. They go through the motions. Unfortunately, life has a 'get-what-you-give' philosophy and without much giving there aint much getting.

Kick-starting that internal engine of yours can be a little tricky if it's a bit rusty or low in fuel - so let's have a look at 3 simple ways to jump start it.

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