Here’s #1 Action That Will Make You Happier & Healthier

Here’s #1 Action That Will Make You Happier & Healthier
In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer. Albert Camus

If happiness was simple to achieve, we’d all be reveling in it.

So for a moment, imagine pausing from the rush of busy and focus. Because it’s in ‘de-focusing’ that magic can happen.

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10 minutes Every Person Needs To Still The Mind, Solve Problems & Stay Sane

10 minutes Every Person Needs To Still The Mind, Solve Problems & Stay Sane

Getting what you want in life isn’t easy.

You pull out every ounce of courage. Take risks. And hold yourself accountable in case you fall.

Yet statistics say even if you push past what’s holding you back (yourself included) you’ll still fail.

Here’s how to stack the odds in your favour.

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5 Steps To Solving Problems Faster & Smarter. Solution Thinking You Need.

5 Steps To Solving Problems Faster & Smarter. Solution Thinking You Need.

If we stick with ‘what we know’ and are familiar with we can be blind to new ways of ‘seeing’.

  • Whether it’s the person you’ve been with for decades.
  • The job you’re tiring of.
  • The life you’re frustrated with.
  • Or the confounding technical problem you’re charged with solving.

In the world of business, economics, science or art — the act of seeing from an ‘oblique’ perspective is a commodity highly sought.
Why? Because it’s a rare skill.

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Here's How You May Be Limiting Your Creative Insights

Here's How You May Be Limiting Your Creative Insights

Creativity is not solely defined by those who are expressive artists.

Imagine, no matter what role you have, being able to solve problems more quickly, come to deeper insights more readily and 'see' the solution in the complex because you had the ability to think more creatively?

What could this do for your life, your work, your relationships and your personal satisfaction in life?

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Being An Every Day Hero

Being An Every Day Hero

Who are you a 'hero' to? Who looks up to you? Who is inspired by you? Who relies on you to turn up as the best version of you everyday?

Your child? Your parents? Your partner? Your boss? Your friends?

It's not a question asked very often.

Easier to think of the people we aspire to be like - the historical or blockbuster heroes of movie dreams come true.

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How to Stop ‘Shrek-ing’ Your Counselling, Therapy or Coaching Business From Sinking Into a Swamp With This One Tip

How to Stop ‘Shrek-ing’ Your Counselling, Therapy or Coaching Business From Sinking Into a Swamp With This One Tip

Having trouble describing what you do? Feel as if your messaging is as murky as Shrek's swamp?

I know what it feels like, I used to be in your shoes until I nailed this one thing.

If you want to avoid the single biggest mistake that many counselors, therapists and coaches make that's keeping their business swamp-bound, then check out this tip.

Get this one element right and you could receive FREE media exposure - just like a counselor did who I'm working with to help her grow her business.

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7 Survival Tools If Alcohol Or Anger Are Destroying Your Relationship

7 Survival Tools If Alcohol Or Anger Are Destroying Your Relationship

I didn’t think of my husband as an alcoholic. I knew he had a drinking problem, I just thought it was a lifestyle choice — one that meant he drank down the local hotel while I stayed home with our son. From his perspective he didn't have a problem, his drinking was a part of who he was - the only person who had a problem was me.

He didn’t fit the picture of the down and out person begging for coins to buy a bottle of metho, so during our marriage I didn't realise I was dealing with an alcoholic husband.

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The Perfect Path To Perfectionism And Controlling Everything In Your Life — Even If You Lose Yourself In The Process

The Perfect Path To Perfectionism And Controlling Everything In Your Life — Even If You Lose Yourself In The Process

Perfectionists have it good. As long as what they want to create, express or perform is never quite good enough for them, there’s no need to finish the project, have work judged by critical others or ever feel the bruise of doubt press firmly on their chest.

Perfectionists understand more than they’ll ever let on. Because perfectionism means being in control.

At. All. Times.

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How to Balance Your Emotional Debit and Credit Cards

How to Balance Your Emotional Debit and Credit Cards

Balancing financial budgets can be tough — even tougher are the emotional ones we unconsciously keep score of.

For example, try this reflection:

  • Write down 10 negative things (or situations you were in) that happened in the last month.
  • Now write down 10 positive things that happened last month.
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Is Your Wishbone Broken?

Is Your Wishbone Broken?

I remember Sunday roasts as a young child – middle of three in my family. It was either lamb or chicken - and I often hoped it was the latter so I could be the first to find the wishbone and break it with mum. That pinky-to-pinky moment seemed so purposeful - as if that was all I'd need do to get whatever I wanted. 

Simple times.

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Creativity: 7 Ways You May Be Stifling It

Creativity: 7 Ways You May Be Stifling It

Anyone who says: “I don’t have a creative bone in my body”, doesn’t understand how their brain works as creativity has less to do with their skeletal structure than what they feed their minds.

Creativity is a natural expression of who we are, and denying its existence is to deny ourselves of the joy that exploring new ideas and being open to diverse thoughts brings.

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Don't Let The Confidence Gap Stop You From Starting: A Practical Guide To Building Courage.

Don't Let The Confidence Gap Stop You From Starting: A Practical Guide To Building Courage.

Zig Ziglar says that confidence is “Going after Moby Dick in a rowboat and taking tartar sauce with you”. If the getting of confidence was all it took to do what you want, be who you want and have what you want — there’d be no need for a self-help industry that hasn’t saved Jonah yet.

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How To Be More Creatively Mindful & Solve Problems Faster By Building Your Intuition

How To Be More Creatively Mindful & Solve Problems Faster By Building Your Intuition

Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with thinking.

Particularly logical thinking. That’s the death star of intuition.

Also surprisingly, it has nothing to do with tapping into deep emotions.

Getting stuck there usually stops any action from happening – except over-analysis.

Not surprisingly, it’s counter-intuitive to everything you’ve ever been taught about learning.

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Creative Mindfulness: What Print Are You Creating In Your Life?

Creative Mindfulness: What Print Are You Creating In Your Life?

How often do you play? As an adult probably not enough.

Imagine if you could gift yourself 10 minutes for serious play - the sort where you let any cares drift away - if you can imagine this, then let's do as Marcel Proust says: 

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy. They are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."

With this in mind,  let's take a creative light-hearted look at the 'prints' we leave. Have fun with this activity - it's meant to be fresh, open and inviting.

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How To Think More Creatively With These 7 Steps

How To Think More Creatively With These 7 Steps

Creativity isn't a birthright.

Creativity is inherent in each one of us. Some shut it down early. Some revel in it and keep its curiosity alive.

What about you? Could you enhance your creativity with a few simple tools?

Check out this video and try it for yourself.

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How To Avoid ‘Shrek-ness’ In Your Life: And Build A More Sustainable And Creative Environment

How To Avoid ‘Shrek-ness’ In Your Life: And Build A More Sustainable And Creative Environment

A quick question: Does ‘environment’ matter?

If you believe in environmental change — as in ‘climate change’ — there are many doing their ‘bit’ to make a difference.

And that’s all any of us can do isn’t it? One tiny change leads to another and another.

But change only happens when we want it to. When habits are formed. Without them, changes don’t stick.

Having the courage to ‘flip’ and crave a new environment takes courage.

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"Listening for the sound of the genuine ..." Creative insights from innocent moments.

"Listening for the sound of the genuine ..." Creative insights from innocent moments.

I came across this quote recently:

"There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls." – Howard Thurman

The sound of the genuine ...

What does that feel like? I know it when I hear it. I know it when I see it.

It's a gentle knock begging me to listen.

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Is 'Feeling' Grateful Enough?

Is 'Feeling' Grateful Enough?

Saw this quote recently: "If a person, for whatever reason, has the opportunity to lead an extraordinary life, he has no right to keep it to himself." Jacques-Yves Cousteau. recently. It stopped me in my tracks. I began asking myself 'Is feeling grateful for all the gifts I've received in this life is enough?' What about you - what does 'being grateful' mean in your life - a journal entry - or something more tangible?

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Why Feeling Bored Can Be A Blessing

Why Feeling Bored Can Be A Blessing

Are you bored?

Don't worry, you don't have to admit it out loud, but if you felt something inside you shift when you read that question - it's a pretty good sign there's something to it.

Now boredom isn't really a bad thing - it can stimulate us to do something different, so don't be concerned if you feel bored from time to time.

The problem with boredom though is that you can find yourself thinking - 'is this it?' - just more of the same?

In a world where everyone is trying to get your attention and you start off hoping that 'this' might be different - only to end up back where you started can feel disheartening.

I get it.

Most of us want a life of meaning and purpose.

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Will Miss Rigidity Please Stand Up

Will Miss Rigidity Please Stand Up

Will Miss Rigidity Please Stand Up

I knew this young woman a while ago. Her name was Rigidity.

In her own way Ms Rigidity was thoughtful, bright and quite alluring in a simple guileless sort of way. She was one of those ‘try hard’ people – it said so on all her school report cards and if her people-pleasing behaviour was anything to go by, she scored in the highest percentile possible.

The problem with ‘Ms Rigidity’ was that while she wanted to live a successful life, she chose to keep herself safe and away from being noticed. Sometimes it was through a little well-timed self-sabotage, at others it was her self-doubt that kept her tuning-in to the ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’ ticker-tape that had been playing a pre-recorded message since the dawn of time.

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