Will Miss Rigidity Please Stand Up

Will Miss Rigidity Please Stand Up

Will Miss Rigidity Please Stand Up

I knew this young woman a while ago. Her name was Rigidity.

In her own way Ms Rigidity was thoughtful, bright and quite alluring in a simple guileless sort of way. She was one of those ‘try hard’ people – it said so on all her school report cards and if her people-pleasing behaviour was anything to go by, she scored in the highest percentile possible.

The problem with ‘Ms Rigidity’ was that while she wanted to live a successful life, she chose to keep herself safe and away from being noticed. Sometimes it was through a little well-timed self-sabotage, at others it was her self-doubt that kept her tuning-in to the ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’ ticker-tape that had been playing a pre-recorded message since the dawn of time.

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