Clients share their 'a-ha' moments:

I'm so pleased I made the leap of faith to participate in the MI=ND Program. It has helped me gain a deeper understanding of self and others in my life, through curiosity and exploration. What a fantastic and eye opening experience! I can safely say my life has changed for the better with the new skills I’ve learned. Angela

Barbara Grace worked with our management team both individually and in group sessions. Her work brought together men and women with greater insight into what it took to reach their targets and be a 'real' team. The change in attitude and self-esteem was noticeable. I highly recommend Barbara's work in bringing out courage and hidden strengths. John Neylon, Marine & Civil

I was feeling overwhelmed and stuck. Barbara helped me see the patterns I was running and showed me how to break them. As a result of working with her, I'm better equipped to see the triggers and quieten 'the little voice in my head' so that I can enjoy relationships with my family more and achieve my current goal of establishing my business. Cris.

A big a-ha moment was in realising that my family's belief systems didn't have to be mine. Something lifted for me on that day. Monica.

There have been many 'a-ha' moments, but the one that stands out the most for me is recognising that I keep repeating the 'home environment' issues. Committing to setting myself up in a healthy environment has been a major breakthrough. Al.

Understanding the difference between being stuck in my way, being judgemental and not willing to integrate ideas from others helped me see why my relationship was suffering. For me, it was about realising that if I didn't change my thinking, then nothing would happen. Brendon

Barbara shared the 'Hero's Journey' - this was a great tool for me to see where I am in my life and a pathway for moving forward. Thank you. Emily